Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Thomas the Train Goes to School!

Today was Charlie's first day of preschool! Well, I guess technically it was Thomas' first day, because that is how he kept politely correcting people. ;-)
He's going to Nancy's Noah's Ark in Mill Creek, two days a week for 3 hours a day. He was looking forward to it because we've been talking about how cool it is for months (and using it as an incentive for potty training ;-). He went right into the classroom with Miss Adrianna and never looked back once. Hmph. So, I took that as my cue to leave. (I'd been told by many people that you don't want a long drawn out goodbye on their first day). So, I ended up not even saying goodbye at all.
As I drove to pick him up, I was visualizing a crying child with soiled pants clinging to the train set in their playroom. So.... I got pulled over because for speeding. Hmmm... guess I was a little preoccupied. ;-) But the officer let me go without a ticket and I eventually made it within the legal speed limit to find my boy, completely clean, in the same outfit I'd sent him to school in and very happily sitting with the teacher waiting for me. Getting pulled over caused me to be the last parent to pick up. But, I got there on time and Charlie was happy and is looking forward to going back on Thursday. So, all in all, it was a great first day!!

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