Sunday, January 15, 2012


We had lots of fun this year, since Charlie grasped the concept of Halloween
(i.e. getting candy from strangers) very well.
We went trick or treating in our neighborhood. Charlie was so excited to
run up to the door, ring the bell and say "Trick or Treat!"
When we got home he wanted to see all his candy right away. I totally
remember doing that as a kid. Guess some things are just universal.
We let him have a couple pieces and then he helped us pass out candy at
our door. He showed great self-control (which I didn't even know he had! ;-)
passing out the candy and not asking for any.
Brian and I had a ball watching him on his first 'real' Halloween. Our
favorite quote of the night was when a girl came to the door dressed as a
devil. After we closed the door Charlie said, "I don't like the yak."
Maybe you had to be there....

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