We're already looking forward to our trip to Florida in April! It'll be 5 years since we were last down there for our wedding. We'll be there from April 18 - May 3. If you can make it down then, let us know and we'll get together!!
Funny, but scary ;-) ..... Pull up this link and click on various items around the Oval Office to get an insight into a Palin Presidency. Also, a hint: there are a few places you can click on multiple times. Have fun!
Farmer Bri's even busy getting the farm ready for the baby! For more pictures from the pumpkin patch, visit our shutterfly website - http://michelleandbrian.shutterfly.com/3. And, Happy Fall to everyone!! We can't wait to see you all real soon!
All we really needed to hear from the Vice Presidential debate. Three minutes of straight talk. This video is screaming for a drinking game! Line up the shots and ENJOY!
We are so happy to be able to share our news, stories, videos and pictures with our loved ones through this blog. We wish we were closer to you all, but I guess keeping touch in the blogosphere is the next best thing.
All photos on this site can be viewed and ordered from Shutterfly at http://michelleandbrian.shutterfly.com/.
Hope you all enjoy our blog!
xoxo, Michelle & Brian