Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

The Easter Bunny has arrived (in a little basket) to point his giraffe rattle at you and bid you Happy Easter! Hope everyone has a beautiful day!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Dude, where's my bottle? Getting ready for FL...

We had to get Charlie some cool duds so he could hang in the F.L.A. and pick up some chicks on the beach. So we went to our favorite place - the consignment shop! - and found some fun things, among them were these board shorts, which I think are our favorite! He feels really cool in them, you can tell. Too bad he'll be wearing Huggies 'Lil Swimmers underneath - kinda kills the cool factor. ;-)

It's Screech!

Charlie's found his voice and pretty much won't shut up now. ;-) (Well, it's more of a screech).
I wish I knew what he was trying to say, but I'm pretty sure it would be something like, "What's that? What's that? Gimme that! Gimme that!" Hope you enjoy this video, and if you can figure out what he's trying to convey, please let me know.
Oh, and you'll have to pardon my repetitious speech. I think I say "Good Boy" and "Hi Charlie" and "What are you talking about?" about a million times. I never think about the fact that what I'm saying will also be heard on the video. But hey, maybe it would make a nice drinking game.... ;-)

Monday, April 6, 2009

What is this stuff?

Charlie's been enjoying checking out new toys now that he can hold his head up pretty well. He mostly looks at us like "what am i supposed to do in this thing?" But even though he doesn't actually "play" with the toys yet, he does seem to like talking to them quite a bit.

More Stuff

On a whim, we decided to put Charlie in his exersaucer to see how he fit. We were fully expecting that it would be way too big for him. Well, we were surprised to see that his feet (tip toes) touched the ground! We did put a blanket around his waist so he'd feel more snug and it would help him to stay upright. Again, he didn't really reach out for the toys because I think it was all he could do just to keep his balance. But he was loving looking at all the fun objects. I don't think it will be long before he's tearing it up in this thing!