Sunday, September 20, 2009

I'm Hilarious!

Maybe you don't know this, but I am hilarious! Check me out as I blow my nose!!! Ha! What a knee slapper! Where do I get this stuff? Thank you, thank you. I'll be here all week.....

Monday, September 7, 2009

Happy Labor Day! (And how appropriate; it's also the 9 month anniversary since Michelle's 'labor day')

Lil' C is getting so big and independent! It's a lot of fun to watch (well, unless he's trying to scale the bookshelf, climb the stairs, or crawl out the door).
New things he's doing are:
*"Talking" - His favorite things to say are: dada, mama, naynay, gaga and k-k-k-k and t-t-t-t (he usually whispers these last two, which is pretty funny).
*Imitating sounds - He does a high-pitched sound for the cats meows and a raspy growl for his zebra pull toy (it vibrates when you pull it and kinda sounds like a growl...sort of).
*Climbing - On everything.
*Petting Lola - (Harley's not even an option. If Charlie crawls toward him, Harley looks like a monster is chasing him). He's actually very gentle when he pets Lola, but lately he's been under the impression that he can use her to lie on or to balance on to stand up.
*Waving hello/goodbye - To everything.
*Testing limits a little bit - We've started trying to tell him 'no' a little bit. Whenever we do, he looks at us at smiles or laughs like 'I know you think I'm cute. You'll let me do this, won't you?'

We've taken a lot of video between now and the last time we posted something (of course). So, I'm going to add a few of our faves and get you up to date.
Hope you enjoy them!

This first one is from June 30, enjoying squash...

Dad tickles the snot out of Charlie...literally. Dated July 18

Here's a little video from a BBQ with our baby friends on August 17

I call this one "I'm not sure we should be parents." ;-) Just kidding, of course. July 16

Grandma Sharon makes plastic bags hilarious! August 24

Charlie gets his groove on...

Just a little more grooving...