Monday, December 28, 2009

Merry Chistmas, Baby!

Hair cut, Scare cut

We took Charlie to a ridiculous kid's hair place for his first haircut. I thought he'd love the cool animal chairs and all the decorations. Apparently hobby horses only soothe the soul so much. It started off well, when he was just sitting on his horse chair. But, when the scissors came out, it was no longer fun and games....

Monday, December 7, 2009

Happy First Birthday to You!!

Can't believe it's been a year! Time flies when you're having fun!
Charlie had a great time opening gifts, and really loved the boxes they came in. But I definitely think the highlight was the CAKE!! Luckily for him, the healthy cake I made turned out like crap, so it was full throttle sugar! Happy Birthday, little man!

To see all the sugary madness, click on the green Shutterfly link on the right side of this page. It is the first album called "Charlie's First Birthday." Enjoy!

Fun Times in Florida!

I went to Florida to go to my friend Tara's wedding and decided to make a long trip out of it. Charlie and I both enjoyed the sunny Florida weather. We went swimming, to the zoo (and pet Goats!, much to my horror ;-), and to the park almost every day! He loved hanging with his Honey and Aunt Laura and his cousins Michael, Katie and Shelby. They all taught him lots of fun things, like "no" and "uh-oh."
Look for more pics, including fun zoo pics, by clicking on the Shutterfly link at the right. The album is titled Charlie - November 2009.

Pumpkin Patch (a little different from last year... ;-)

We took Charlie to get his first pumpkin and recreated some of the shots we took last year, with our little pumpkin on the outside! ;-)

I also went to the P-Patch with my mom's group. To view all the pics, click on the green Shutterfly link on the right side of this page. The albums are called Charlie-October 2009 Pumpkin Patch & PEPS Pumpkin Patch.

Happy Halloween!

Our little sock monkey had lots of fun on his first Halloween. We went to a costume birthday party at his friend Gavin's house and then we had a party at our house too!