(Well, last weekend, actually. But we were a little busy to post)
So, Miss Joselyn is the big 1 Month! It's been a month of joy, excitement, learning and adjustment. Joss is a pretty good sleeper and a total sweetheart. She's happy to eat and sleep and lie on her back and watch the chaos around her. ;-) Just kidding, she really likes to listen to her mobile and just gaze at her crazy family. She's very zen and composed for a one-month-old. Maybe we'll learn something from her? ;-)
Charlie has been dealing with this new situation very well. For the first couple days, he wasn't sure. Then he decided he really liked "Baby Joss" and he insists on kissing her before he kisses me or Brian. Lately, however, he's gotten a little ... let's say curious and not so careful. He walks up to her very calmly and then pokes her in the eye or pushes on her tummy. You've got to pay close attention because he does it with ninja-like tactics. ;-)
And, Joss has provided some entertainment too! A couple weeks ago, I was feeding her and Charlie walked up with his cup of milk and did "Cheers!" with her. It was adorable. Another time, in a story that was funny for me, but maybe not for Charlie - we were all in Charlie's room and I was sitting on the floor feeding Joss. I had to get up and put her on the changing table and I forgot to pick up the bottle. When I turned around, Charlie was taking it out of his mouth (with a sour expression on his face ;-). I said, "See, that's formula. Not milk. Yucky, huh?" Needless to say, we haven't had a problem with Charlie coveting Joss' food anymore.
We live, we eat formula, we learn. Right Aunt Melissa? ;-)